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Stainless Steel Bearing 6203-2RS S6203-2RS

Stainless Steel Bearing 6203-2RS S6203-2RS

Stainless Steel Bearing 6203-2RS S6203-2RS

Inner Diameter: 17 mm

Outer Diameter: 40 mm

Thickness: 12 mm

Weight: 0.066kg

Material: Stainless steel 440C

Seal: Rubber

Product Details

Our stainless steel bearings are corrosion resistant. These stainless steel bearings are designed to for wet, mildly corrosive or food environments. Manufactured in 440C grade stainless steel, these bearings can withstand heavy radial loads and moderate thrust loads in both directions.  We also stock a large range of corrosion resistant bearings in smaller sizes, and also have stainless steel 316, 304 bearings.

Our stainless steel ball bearings can be supplied with food grade lubricants or can be re-lubricated to withstand up to 300°C as stainless steel will cope with much higher temperatures than chrome steel. 

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