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Home > Plastic Bearings
Plastic Rod End Bearing

Plastic Rod End Bearing

● Spherical ball made of highly wear-resistant EPB15
● Connection rod made of high strength and shape-stable M163
● Maintenance-free dry operation
● Smooth design has no dirt traps
● Absolute corrosion resistance
● Compensation of misalignment errors
● No noise and light weight

Product Details

Product Features
● Spherical ball made of highly wear-resistant EPB15
● Connection rod made of high strength and shape-stable M163
● Maintenance-free dry operation
● Smooth design has no dirt traps
● Absolute corrosion resistance
● Compensation of misalignment errors
● No noise and light weight

Product Features
● Spherical ball made of highly wear-resistant EPB15;
● Connection rod made of high strength and shape-stable M163;
● Maintenance-free dry operation;
● Smooth design has no dirt traps;
● Absolute corrosion resistance;
● Compensation of misalignment errors;
● No noise and light weight;
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