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Linear Bearing Bushing LM6UU LM8SUU LM8UU

Linear Bearing Bushing LM6UU LM8SUU LM8UU

LM8UU Linear Bearing Bushing

Inner Diameter: 8 mm

Outer Diameter: 15 mm

Thickness: 24 mm

Weight: 0.015 kg

Material: Chrome steel

Linear Bearing LM6UU LM8SUU LM8UU

Product Details

Linear Bearing Bushing LM6UU LM8SUU LM8UU

Linear bearings are bearing elements for translation type motion. As in the case of rotary bearings, a distinction is drawn as to whether the forces occurring are transmitted by means of rolling or sliding elements. Each linear design has particular characteristics that make it especially suitable for particular bearing arrangements. 
1. enable high precision linear motion on round shafts
2. sustain heavy loads with low noise and high stiffness
3. perform under almost any environmental conditions and load capacities to satisfy a wide range applications 

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